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       A majority of my artwork is done in different shades of gray along with black and white. I incorporate various lines and strokes into each work I make. I also like my pictures to show energy through the different lines and gestures used. Some of my subject matter has consisted of models, still life, and here recently, I have been working on a series about my guide dog Tweed. I try to cone up with titles for most of my work. Some of my most recent work is “Serious Guide”, “Guide in Rain,” Guide at Work,” and so on. In the pieces involving my guide dog some noticeable elements are value, line, shape, and texture. Some principles are rhythm, contrast, gradation, and movement. 

            Most of my pieces are done with charcoal and charcoal pencils on frosted mylar paper and regular drawing paper. I have also created a few pieces by using India ink on frosted Mylar paper. I created the series about my guide dog by looking at photo references, and at my guide dog in person as well. I tried to make each piece of my pictures in correct dimensions. I did this by measuring each section of a picture, and each part of my guide dog as well. Then, transferred those measurements to a larger scale on paper. 

            My mother inspired me initially to start making art, but then over time the blind and visually impaired community became my inspiration. I make art to show that even if you can’t see well it is still possible to create great and meaningful work. For my guide dog pictures my guide dog Tweed was my inspiration.. I was also inspired to spread awareness about guide dogs and show how important they are. I also wanted to show that while a guide dog’s job is serious and important, they are also able to be silly and have fun.

            Creating my pieces has helped me to show that even though I can’t see well I can still create meaningful and awesome work. It has also been a great experience to use my work to show energy and tell a story through my art. For instance, in some of my guide dog drawings I use energetic lines to show how happy and energetic guide dogs can be. Overall, I am highly impressed with all my work. I worked hard and tried my best. While there are a few things I need to work on and improve the overall result of all my pieces are still great. 

Artist Statement: Text
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